How to contact Eurojust

How to contact EurojustEurojusts supports various stages of cross-border investigations. Some cases take place over just a few days, whereas more complex investigations can last several years.

Case by case, Eurojust ensures the coordination of investigations by promoting the exchange of information, detecting cross-links between ongoing investigations, developing prosecutorial strategies, and implementing joint actions. Often, serious jurisdictional issues must be solved; the judicial authorities must decide where a suspect best can be brought to trial.

National authorities in the Member States are able to reach out to Eurojust for information and support at any point during a criminal investigation and, in urgent cases, can contact the Agency 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Contact for practitioners

Provided below are the contact details for both general enquiries and for special initiatives. For additional contact information, including address details and directions to Eurojust, please go to Contact us .

Practitioners wishing to contact their National Desk at Eurojust are requested to do so directly via the channels agreed at national level. Eurojust can also be contacted through the General contact option of this website. Please note that this option is not intended for sharing operational and/or personal information.

Where appropriate, specific enquiries can be addressed to the following contacts:

24/7 on-call coordination

In urgent cases, national authorities requesting Eurojust assistance can do so via Eurojust’s on-call coordination mechanism (OCC), which enables Eurojust to receive and process the requests referred to it at all times. The mechanism is facilitated by OCC representatives, who are contactable by their respective Member State 24 hours a day, seven days a week.